A checkered past for Checker Signals.
Bob H. came across a single section traffic signal at an auction and wanted to know more about it. His plans were to wire it up and put it in his garage.

I was not familiar with the logo on this one so I called upon my fellow gurus over at the Highway Divides forum for their expertise. It turns out that this is from a company called Checker. From what I understand (as one story goes), the signal company Singer were in financial ruin in the 1970s. Fearing unemployment, a group of employees started making their own signals under the name Checker. Unfortunately, their signals were cheaply made outside of the United States with very thin casting and were of low quality. Problems with chipping and fading paint, easily broken door hardware, and rust doomed the new company.
Bob’s signal is in very good condition and carries some great history.
(Photos: Bob H.)