I love it when people contact me with questions about traffic lights after stumbling into my website. I love it even more when I can answer their questions, and Merissa’s was a gem. Like [...]
The old saying, “Hindsight is 20/20” has meaning here. Today I look back and think, “Wow, I was an idiot when I was a kid.” Fortunately for me, my parents realized that [...]
Part of the idea behind my blog is to provide some history behind some of the signals in my collection. This is one of them that I’ve had for many years that has a great story behind it. I [...]
In the tight-knit world of signal collecting, I’m lucky to be able to chat with many other collectors and industry experts on forums and at meets, and there are a good number of them who [...]
This goes back to the whole idea of letting others know what kind of hobbies you’re in to. I found out that the son of our pastor is into Pez dispensers. I had one laying around that I [...]
Unless someone else is a collector of something normal, it can be a little difficult to admit that you collect something as odd as traffic lights. Some people look at you like you wear polka dots [...]
My website is an outlet for me to talk about and show off my collection – All of my wearable traffic lights, all of my toys, my real ones, and my decorative signals that only come out once or [...]
When I was a young lad dreaming about owning my own traffic light, I tended to draw them. Sometimes they were part of an overall scene, but more than that, they were just the light by itself. [...]
When you have a hobby so uncommon as mine, it’s very rare that you get to openly talk to others about it, let alone have someone ask you about it and be able to see much of it. Any moments [...]
Before I talk about how to make your traffic light work, I’m starting this with a disclaimer: If you don’t have a basic understanding of electricity or you’re the least bit [...]